Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key

Embark on a linguistic adventure with the Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key, a comprehensive guide that unlocks the intricacies of vocabulary and comprehension. This key provides an in-depth exploration of the lesson’s concepts, empowering students to excel in their language studies.

Delve into the meanings of new words, unravel their contextual usage, and uncover the nuances of synonyms and antonyms. Discover the power of root words and word families, and delve into the captivating world of figurative language and literary devices.

With this key, students gain a deeper understanding of the lesson’s content, fostering their vocabulary growth and comprehension skills.

1. Definition and Overview of “Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2”

Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 is a vocabulary-building resource designed for students in grade 7. It introduces 10 new words with Greek and Latin roots, helping students expand their knowledge of the English language and improve their reading comprehension skills.

2. Vocabulary Words and Meanings

Word Definition Part of Speech Example Sentence
Apathy Lack of interest or concern Noun The student’s apathy towards the project was evident in his lack of effort.
Boisterous Noisy and energetic Adjective The boisterous crowd cheered loudly at the football game.
Colossal Extremely large or impressive Adjective The colossal statue of Liberty stands tall in New York Harbor.
Decry Express strong disapproval of Verb The politician decried the government’s new policies.
Gregarious Sociable and outgoing Adjective The gregarious host welcomed his guests with open arms.
Impeccable Flawless or without fault Adjective The impeccably dressed woman turned heads wherever she went.
Noxious Harmful or unpleasant Adjective The noxious fumes from the factory polluted the air.
Obsequious Excessively谄媚 Adjective The obsequious waiter fawned over the wealthy guests.
Precocious Developing or showing maturity at an unusually early age Adjective The precocious child could read and write at the age of four.
Trite Overused and lacking originality Adjective The speaker’s trite jokes failed to elicit any laughter from the audience.

3. Contextual Usage of Vocabulary Words: Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key

  • The politician’s decryof the new policies was met with both support and opposition.
  • The gregariousgroup of friends enjoyed spending time together.
  • The impeccableappearance of the house made it stand out from the others on the street.
  • The noxiousfumes from the exhaust made it difficult to breathe.
  • The obsequiousservant bowed and scraped to his master.

4. Synonyms and Antonyms

Vocabulary Word Synonym/Antonym
Apathy Indifference / Interest
Boisterous Noisy / Quiet
Colossal Gigantic / Tiny
Decry Condemn / Praise
Gregarious Sociable / Introverted
Impeccable Flawless / Flawed
Noxious Harmful / Beneficial
Obsequious 谄媚 / Independent
Precocious Advanced / Immature
Trite Clichéd / Original

5. Root Words and Word Families

  • Apathy, apathetic: Without feeling
  • Boisterous, boister: Noisy
  • Colossal, colossus: Large
  • Decry, decree: To speak out against
  • Gregarious, gregary: Sociable
  • Impeccable, peccadillo: Flawless
  • Noxious, noxious fumes: Harmful
  • Obsequious, obsequy: Excessively谄媚
  • Precocious, precocity: Developing early
  • Trite, trivial: Overused

User Queries

What is the purpose of the Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key?

The Wordly Wise Book 7 Lesson 2 Answer Key provides detailed explanations and answers to the exercises and activities in Lesson 2, enhancing students’ understanding of vocabulary and comprehension concepts.

How can students benefit from using the Answer Key?

Students benefit from using the Answer Key by gaining a deeper understanding of new vocabulary words, their meanings, and how to use them effectively in context. It also helps them improve their comprehension skills and develop a stronger foundation in language arts.